Do you have to BELIEVE in MindBody Medicine for It to Work?
Do you have to BELIEVE in MindBody Medicine for It to Work? Decades of medical science have demonstrated the placebo effect, showing that when we believe a medicine will heal us it is far more likely to do so. But what if you do not believe? Does the mind still...
Everything Will Be Okay: EFT Tapping to Release the Need for Control
Everything Will Be Okay: EFT Tapping to Release the Need for Control Control is an illusion and sucks away so much of our life force. When we try to control things, our nervous system stays in fight-or-flight, tension, and inflammation that ultimately destroys us....
How to Get Everything You Want for Christmas: Feeling Truly Fulfilled
How to Get Everything You Want for Christmas: Feeling Truly Fulfilled If you’re ready to be passionately fulfilled versus just getting through another year, here’s what you need to change. Many of us have been caught up in what the ego wants and desires,...