EFT Tapping for Kids
EFT Tapping for Kids One of the most difficult things to deal with is seeing your child struggle with anxiety, pain or illness that won’t seem to resolve. The good news is, in the developing brain, MindBody Medicine can work even more quickly to resolve these...
Why You Don’t Need to Fight the Dark Forces
Why You Don’t Need to Fight the Dark Forces The more we awaken, the more we realize some things are not as we’ve been told. It can be infuriating to realize what you’ve been shown as truth for so long was a lie or a manipulation….however,...
How Your Energy Affects Your Kids & How You Can Resolve Even the Most Challenging Problems
How Your Energy Affects Your Kids & How You Can Resolve Even the Most Challenging Problems It can be excruciating and consume our lives when our kids are dealing with challenges we can’t fix. Parents will typically work harder than anyone to be sure their...