Mar 9, 2023 | MindBody TV, Tapping
Masculine and Feminine Energies: How to Activate Your Relationships for Love and Passion We all have yin and yang (feminine and masculine) energies within us. These energies directly impact our health, mood, brain function, and our relationships. If you are playing...
Mar 2, 2023 | MindBody TV, Tapping
EFT Tapping to Release Self-Sabotage and Fear One of the biggest factors holding back our health, wealth, and happiness is in fact, ourselves! Whether it’s weight gain, chronic illness, fatigue, or pain, fighting ourselves will not work. What we resist persists!...
Feb 22, 2023 | MindBody TV, Tapping
EFT Tapping for Chronic Illness and Autoimmune Disease Our body heals itself, but our MIND is more powerful than the body. When we harbor old emotions, resentments, fears, or traumas, this can literally keep us sick. If you’ve experienced autoimmune disease,...
Feb 14, 2023 | MindBody TV, Tapping
EFT Tapping for Chronic Fatigue Do you ever feel zapped of energy? Tired and wired, mid-day slump, or depleted by the end of the day? If you’re reaching for caffeine, sugar, or stimulants only to later have a crash, here is something better! Watch this...
Feb 9, 2023 | Dr. Kim D'Eramo Blog, MindBody TV, Tapping
EFT Tapping for Kids One of the most difficult things to deal with is seeing your child struggle with anxiety, pain or illness that won’t seem to resolve. The good news is, in the developing brain, MindBody Medicine can work even more quickly to resolve these...