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Why You’re Asking the Wrong Questions When It Comes to Your Healing

When trying to heal mental, emotional, and physical issues and illness, you might be asking questions from your faulty mental programs, which only keeps yourself stuck in sickness and lack.

If you find yourself asking questions like “Will this approach work for me? What if everything else has failed? How do I heal my very specific life scenario?” None of these questions sets you free; they just keep you on a hamster wheel of ‘seeking.’

Watch this week’s episode of MindBody TV where I shared the most commonly asked questions and what you COULD be asking instead to open up your clarity, abundance and health!

To join the Embracing Health Program visit https://drkimd.com/health (We start June 9th!!)

And you can find my book The Mindbody Toolkit at https:/drkimd.com/book



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  1. Hi. Where do I find your Frequently Asked Questions?

    • You can find that here: Drkimd.com/EHFAQ


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