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What to do When Life Throws You a Curve Ball!

What do you do when life throws a “curve ball” right into the middle of an otherwise blissful day?

Here what happened as we’re settling into our new home. Some would call it catastrophe.

It definitely brought up frustration, anger, and a little fear (“maybe it won’t work out”) etc.

These emotions held in the body stir up stress and inflammatory chemicals that create overweight, heart disease, cancer!

BUT, the most important thing to do when faced with these situations is to embrace, not resist, that energy.

Here’s what happened and how I turned that anger into even more freedom!!

Watch it now!!




  1. Thanks Dr. Kim, I needed this today! Oh, and welcome to colorful Colorado. It’s a great place to BE. 😉

    • Thanks Emma!!! Loving Colorado:)
      Thanks for the feedback and let me know any ways I can support you further.
      XO Dr. Kim

  2. Where is vedeo??????

  3. Awesome message, Kim. Exactly what I’m seeing about my internal dynamic of late, very helpful post! Thank you!

  4. thanks kim: for being you

    • Thank you love:) I love getting comments and feedback.
      Thanks for being you too!!!!

      Reach out for any time and let me know how I can support you best.
      -Dr. Kim

  5. Good morning, I love your transparency and willingness to help others out. Shake it out baby know…shake it all out, and get the sun shine in!!


    • Thanks Suzanne!! Keep it up and let me know how it goes with the shaking!! XO -Dr. Kim


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