Mar 8, 2019 | Dr. Kim D'Eramo Blog, Health, Meditation, MindBody TV, Mindset, Tapping
Healing Through the BREATH Have you heard of “breatharian healing”? It’s a modality that uses the breath to clear and cleanse the physical, mental, emotional, and energy bodies. It’s very simple, and VERY powerful. If you’ve wanted to go...
Mar 6, 2019 | Dr. Kim D'Eramo Blog, Health, Meditation, Mindset, Tapping
Powerful CLEARING Meditation I recently had a meeting with my team. Since there have been SO many intense energies coming up, I led us through a clearing and releasing exercise. Everyone benefited greatly. It was so powerful, I wanted to share this with you. USE YOUR...
Mar 5, 2019 | Dr. Kim D'Eramo Blog, Health, Mindset, Tapping
Miraculous Healing Doesn’t Go Against Science; It Just Goes Beyond Science As We Understand It Are you willing to get out of your comfort zone, so more can be created in your life? Miracles and healing do not defy science, they just go beyond science as...
Mar 5, 2019 | Dr. Kim D'Eramo Blog, Health, Mindset, Tapping
Powerful Alignment Tool To Release Lower Energies This is a tool I use often to move energy. Especially when I’m feeling fear/depression/despair, this is a go-to for me!! Use the BREATH!!! This is more powerful that you might think. I’ll guide you through in this...