What is MindBody Medicine
What is MindBody Medicine What is MindBody Medicine? MindBody Medicine is the practice where we make shifts at the root cause of what creates and generates illness, disease, and symptoms, or anything that blocks the body’s self-healing, self-regulating...
‘This isn’t working’…What It Really Means When Things Don’t Go Your Way
‘This isn’t working’…What It Really Means When Things Don’t Go Your Way Years back when I suffered from autoimmune disease, nothing I had learned about MindBody healing mattered. My symptoms got worse and worse the more I tried to apply what I had learned....
Ready to Be the Author of Your Life?
Ready to Be the Author of Your Life? Whether consciously or unconsciously, we are the creators of our lives. Authority=Creatorship and it takes courage to reclaim our power when we’re living in fear. Especially when we’ve been taught that the power is...