Are You Overwhelmed Trying to Function in Someone Else’s Reality?
Are You Overwhelmed Trying to Function in Someone Else’s Reality? Many of us exist in a state of overwhelm on a regular basis. Sometimes we don’t question it because everyone else is busy too. However, overwhelm is an indication from your emotional system...
Are Anxiety/Depression Signs of a Spiritual Awakening?
Are Anxiety/Depression Signs of a Spiritual Awakening? When we first realize we create our own reality, that our mind affects our body and that all kinds of healing is possible, this can bring a huge sense of joy and freedom. Especially when we’ve been in the...
Is This Fallout an Invitation to Let Go?
Is This Fallout an Invitation to Let Go? Many of us have been living in a near-continuous state of fight-or-flight, clamping down when the going gets tough, to control things and fight our way through. It exhausts our minds, brings stress to our relationships, and...