3 Step Process to Welcome New Possibilities for Health
3 Step Process to Welcome New Possibilities for Health Shifting your state is the greatest vantage point of making a change in your life. Why? Because you impact everything around you. When you are in the old state, it creates patterns of self-sabotage and judgment....
How to Honor Yourself Without Creating Boundaries
How to Honor Yourself Without Creating Boundaries When you put up energetic boundaries, you block love and keep out the abundance life has for you. So how do you let others know how you want to be treated or what you need in relationships? Especially at holiday time,...Heal Your Body and Mind with Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT Tapping)
Looking for ways to holistically reverse anxiety, increase your energy, eliminate depression, end chronic pain, or heal from illness? Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT Meridian Tapping, provides a simple way to retrain your mind and begin the healing process.