EFT Tapping for COVID-19
EFT Tapping for COVID-19 As a physician, I’ve been amazed to see the powerful results of healing using EFT Meridian Tapping. This has been a part of my medical practice for over a decade and I continue to use this personally and professionally. After several...
What Your Response to Coronavirus Has to Say About You
What Your Response to Coronavirus Has to Say About You This global pandemic is a powerful time to allow this profound shift in you and access the infinite part of you. You can use this experience to shift even more deeply from separation to unity, from lack to...
How to Enter Unity Consciousness for Resilience Through Coronavirus
How to Enter Unity Consciousness for Resilience Through Coronavirus You are electromagnetic and vibrational, not purely physical. Your every thought, emotion, or belief creates a chemical response in your body. As a physical being, it may seem you are separate from...