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Release the Grief Beneath Chronic Fatigue and Depression

We often don’t realize that fatigue and depression are not problems we need to get rid of, but symptoms that we are suppressing our health. The more we try to overcome grief and be positive, the more we bury the very thing that’s meant to open us to love.

Join me for this week’s episode of MindBody TV where you’ll uncover buried grief, despair, or fear and let the energy release so you are finally free from chronic fatigue, illness, and depression.


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1 Comment

  1. It would be so much easier to access the benefits of this wonderfully helpful material if the talking and the process were separately presented, say in two part. As it is one is frequently hanging in the air waiting for the next step while Kim chats and that is not helpful
    Lovely stuff I want to get the best out of it.
    Thank you.


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