How to Ignite MIRACLES In Your Life
I was recently interviewed by Kimberly Baker for the “Soulful Self Care Summit” and we had an AMAZING conversation that led to SO much more than I’d imagined.
The main theme was “Igniting the Miracles” that are READY to happen for you.
What’s the difference that has some people heal spontaneously and effortlessly, while others work hard to try for this?
What is it that has some things come easily, while others we strive for or never attain?
How can we get out of our own way and IGNITE the possibilities that are already here?
I LOVE Kimberly Baker and what she is doing is going to be very powerful!
One woman who had dealt with chronic pain her entire life reported feeling “a paradigm shift” in her thinking, and knowing that she was on the cusp of something big.
I would love to share this with you.
HERE is the the interview!
-Dr. Kim
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I can watch the video of Dr. Kim, but not the one with Dr. Kim and Kimberly Baker.
Hi Patty. See if this works for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEMddOFudnM
I can watch the video with Dr. Kim, but not the one with Dr. Kim and Kimberly Baker. Not sure why.
So so Perfect!
What a fabulous interview!
Both you Dr Kim and lovely interview Host Kim
Kim CHI at its best!
i feel so great and so uplifted by both of your beautiful and inspiring energies!
Dr Kim you always bring in the most amazing women who are so much fun and have such a wondrous spirit and full to the brim with heart!
Maybe you could gather your Kim CHI clan together and have a workshop with all of them!
Wow Bex. Thank you. What kind words!
I loved this interview 😊
I could feel myself calm as I watched. Hearing how allowing is the all important part in receiving felt so true to how my life has evolved. I loved this chance to reflect and go forward with a peaceful open ❤️ THANKS !!
Thank you Sallie. Allowing “WHAT IS” is so beneficial to our healing.