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How to Let Go When Things Don’t Go Your Way

Many of us have strong ideas about what’s happening in the world and the way things should be. However, with so much uncertainty and change, trying to control things is excruciating. How do we let go when we feel clear about how we think things need to be?

Join me for this week’s episode of MindBody TV to learn how to be in ease and flow with whatever life brings, so that you can BE THE CHANGE you wish to see in the world!


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1 Comment

  1. This is sooooo on point!! I have sooo much fear of what could happen if the “other”’wins. My husband last night told me “no matter who wins, we are and will be ok”….of course I went bananas on him and told him all the things that am afraid of and he said “stop focusing on the negatives”….really?! I know he is right but we have two small children and my oldest should start school next year and that’s all I can think of and I cry of fear like crazy…I am stuck!!!! I’ll keep working on your tools and all the things you said today.
    Thank you for sharing your wisdom.


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