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How to Enter Unity Consciousness for Resilience Through Coronavirus

You are electromagnetic and vibrational, not purely physical. Your every thought, emotion, or belief creates a chemical response in your body. As a physical being, it may seem you are separate from everything around you, but as pure vibration, you are intimately connected with all beings everywhere.

Whether you experience illness or resilience has a lot to do with your state of consciousness.Residing in  the space of unity consciousness accesses you to higher possibilities in every aspect of your life, including physical resilience through coronavirus.

We can think of states of consciousness as a scale. On the top is LOVE and down at the bottom is FEAR, grief, despair, hopelessness, and powerlessness. In the middle might be optimism or boredom. These frequencies determine the vibration of your physical body. Increases in frequency correspond to more vitality and resilience physically.

It isn’t up to you to increase your frequency. The surest way to allow an increase in your vibrational frequency is to embrace exactly where you are right now. Move further into this moment instead of away from it.

Willingness to be here now with what is, creates the ease and expansion that lets the energy move. Instead of buying into fear, just get curious about what’s arising. Take a 10-second pause, and breathe. This is enough to shift your frequency and allow the energy to move. From now forward, practice this. Whatever you notice, be in it. Breathe and open. You will witness the energy shifting. You are in charge of your inner state. You are the one who determines how this goes.

After watching this video, here’s my question for you:

  1. What does unity consciousness mean to you?
  2. Have you experienced this and what did that feel like?
  3. What one thing can you do to remind yourself that you are, in fact, connected with everyone, everywhere, now?

Let me know in the comments below. I’d love to hear from you!


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  1. Thanks Dr. Kim. Can you also share about the science of heart coherence. You’ve spoken about it indirectly,. I’m new to you but haven’t heard you mention it specifically. It seems to be aligned and/ or part of your approach.

  2. I also Love the clotheshanger experiment from Pam Grout’s E2. I think experiment number 2. My son did for 1st grade science project. So easy to have tangible experience of this. I did notice my son’s EMF stronger than mine so my positive at the time didn’t work as quickly as his so great feedback to strengthen my positive EMF which worked when I tested it!

    • Hi & hello Dr K! I’ve been using some of your info since the Tapping Summit & it has all been super nurturing & healing in my journey. My brain fog has lifted & fatigue is improving along with my happiness. I’m beyond pleased. I just want to thank you for sharing your expertise & your love for your fellow man…blessings!!


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