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Looking for Someone to Heal You? It’s You!

The idea that we can heal ourselves is not just a theory. It starts by realizing that everything out there is a reflection of what’s going on in here. When we stop grasping for help, for a change, or for a person to come along and finally give us what we need, we can finally meet the truth that we are that which we’re seeking. We see that we DO have the power to “be the medicine” in our own lives.

Join me for this week’s MindBody TV episode where I’ll interview medical intuitive, Michael J. Clarke to share how energy creates disease and how you can unwind that process to be your own healer!


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  1. Thank you so much Dr.Kim! I felt deeply touched by a shift within, listening. It was yesterday I was following some of your you tube video’s and felt happy and Inspired. Then at the same time a huge rainbow appeared and I was in awe…
    and decided also to buy your book & have to be patient till April 5 till it will arrive here.
    I stopped social media and also on wednesday that time I’m part of a small yoga group in a nearby swimmingpool, also awesome and rejuvenating for me. At the moment I’m 78 and I really feel blessed I’m still alive after an intensive life journey and now all of a sudden I feel blessed with this so A m a z i n g I n s p i r a t i on and discover how to be able to slow down in a H e a l t h y W a y.

  2. when addressing the ‘frequency’ questions I find Abraham’s scale of emotions very helpful

  3. loving the redefining of an ‘issue’ as a ‘situation’ instead. It actually feels lighter. I have a sister who, I believe, way over-identifies with her bipolar disorder. I have been trying to gently encourage her to look at her self-talk and what she posts on FB regarding bipolar do, depression, etc. because I feel she is just reinforcing that identity. What else can I nudge her toward to not have her feel like I am judging or criticizing??? she tends to remind others that unless they have walked in her shoes, they don’t understand. True I am not bipolar but I believe I have a solid understanding of energy, EFT and the impact our thoughts, beliefs and words have on our physical bodies. Great podcast, thank you.


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