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Heal Your Body and Mind with Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT Tapping)

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or “EFT Meridian Tapping” is a way of communicating new information to the brain and body to release patterns of illness and pain. By following a specific tapping sequence and speaking affirmations, you can retrain your brain and begin the healing process.


I have seen amazing benefits and results when my patients use this technique. 



EFT Tapping can be used to: 

    • Reverse anxiety, depression, and PTSD
    • Increase energy and end chronic fatigue syndrome
    • Reverse autoimmune illness, thyroid disorder, MS
    • End chronic pain and fibromyalgia
    • Heal chronic infections like candida, Lyme, EBV
    • Reverse inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome
    • End pelvic pain and PMS
    • Improve sleep and mood
    • Relieve headaches 
    • Transform relationships
    • Reverse diabetes
    • Promote ideal weight and weight loss

Here are the basics of EFT Tapping


What does EFT Tapping Stand for?

“EFT” stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. The process involves tapping the meridians, or energy paths, throughout the body, so we often call this technique EFT Meridian Tapping. 

What is the science behind EFT Tapping? 

Chronic pain and illness are a result of suppressed energy in the body. We can connect with this energy through our emotions, which is how we perceive our body’s energy.

Our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions create physical responses in the body. 

When our thoughts are limited or fearful, the amygdala, a part of the brain, registers stress triggers and sends out the “fight-or-flight” response. This generates symptoms like chronic inflammation and imbalance. It also initiates a physical stress response in the body that underlies chronic illness patterns. 

EFT Meridian Tapping is a way to neutralize these thoughts and allow the energies to flow and release.

Very often, we are not aware of what’s going on in our body. We’ve been trained to disconnect and focus outside ourselves. We’re not conscious of the mental programs running beneath the surface, although these are sending constant signals to every cell in the body.

When we fearlessly tune in to the physical body and symptoms we are experiencing, we can become more aware of what’s going on mentally and emotionally and begin the healing process. 

How does EFT Tapping work? 

EFT Tapping is based on the principles of Chinese acupressure. By tapping specific meridian points, we are able to stimulate the body’s flow of energy, connect more deeply with the body, and perceive these unconscious energies.

Throughout the EFT Tapping process, we repeat scripts to send a message to the amygdala. We begin by recognizing the negative feelings or emotions, then move to a state of acceptance and affirmation. 

This releases the fight-or-flight response, allowing us to reconnect with the body through illness and pain and release these limited states of being.

When we choose to acknowledge and neutralize these inner fears, griefs, and wounds, they no longer trigger the amygdala and create imbalance.

Many patients experience instant relief from pain, fatigue, and anxiety after using EFT Meridian Tapping.

What is an EFT Practitioner?

An EFT Practitioner, or EFT Therapist, is a trained professional who guides you through the EFT Tapping sequence. Dr. Kim is an EFT Practitioner with more than 10 years of experience. She will show you where to tap and what to say each step of the way. 

What is an EFT Script?

An EFT script is a series of phrases you will repeat as you tap each meridian point. The scripts begin by acknowledging our current state and moving to positive affirmations that reset the amygdala. 

Is EFT Tapping for Children?

EFT Tapping is for everyone! It is especially beneficial for children. Through EFT Tapping, children can learn to connect with their emotions at a young age. This can help improve attitudes and transform behaviors. Check out the MindBody Kids Program for more children-focused EFT especially for anxiety. 

How can I learn more about EFT Tapping?

  1. Watch the free EFT Tapping videos HERE. In these videos, I walk you through the tapping sequence while speaking affirmations that reset the messaging in the amygdala. Neutralizing these thoughts, beliefs, and ideas in the mind means they no longer trigger your fight-or-flight system.
  2. Check out the EFT Tapping Mini-Course to gain a deeper understanding of the Tapping process. Through the course, you will release the most common patterns and symptoms that are linked to chronic illness AND learn how to use EFT on your own for any discord, symptoms, or dis-ease that comes up. In addition, you will receive Tapping into the Possibility: 10 Downloadable EFT Scripts for Specific Releases.
  3. Subscribe to my newsletter to receive additional Tapping and MindBody healing resources delivered to your inbox.




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