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Get Your Energy Back on this Timeline

Do you realize how much energy you lose when you live in the past? Or carry unresolved traumas? Or live in doubt about decisions you made? Your past can literally SUCK away your energy so your body doesn’t have what it needs to heal! What if you could resolve the past and get your energy back on this timeline, here now?

In this episode of MindBody TV I share where so many of us lose energy to other timelines (that don’t even exist!) and how to get it back so resources and opportunities flood into your life, and your body can heal!

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  1. I have joint pain and recently I got eczema on my ares , knees and feet . I don’t have a lot of money right now and I think the stress is what this is about . It’s been 3 years

  2. I have joint pain and recently I got eczema on my arms , knees and feet . I don’t have a lot of money right now and I think the stress is what this is about . It’s been 3 years since the joint pain and we lost our business to Covid .

  3. thank you Kim. These last months I was realizing that my lack of energy (that doctors explain due to my medical conditions), was simply my cells living in the habit of scarcity. My life has also been lack of money, health, love, good jobs or jobs at all, etc… I was thinking “maybe my cells, my mitochondrias, are used to be running out of energy, and maybe they think that is normality. May be they think scarcity is the rule. I don´t want that anymore. And I started to do some intuitive tapping for me, embracing these ideas, commanding my cells to understand how good it would be be full of energy! Then I saw your video and everything started to fit. Thank you for your monderfull explanation


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