Embracing Health
1-Year Integration of Health, Wealth & Wellbeing
If you've been struggling with any of the following:
  • Low energy 

  • Chronic pain or fibromyalgia

  • Anxiety or depression

  • Autoimmune illness, thyroid disease, chronic fatigue syndrome or adrenal fatigue

  • Chronic infection like Epstein Barr, Lyme or Candida

  • Inability to enjoy and digest foods easily.

  • Having been told “you will always have this illness” or "you must take medications"

  • Your life revolves around “working on” your health.

  • Lack of the time, energy or money to fully enjoy your life and relationships

Or you're ready to get out of struggle and consciously create your life, have more energy and step into prosperity... It's time to release struggle, and step into something higher!

Fighting disease won't expand your health.

You are primarily VIBRATIONAL, not physical! That's why no matter how hard you try to get rid of disease, you just get more dis-ease. When you release the fight, you enter a higher frequency. Your body always responds. 

No matter how hard you work to alter your diet, use supplements, take medications, or get the right tests, nothing changes until you change your vibrational frequency!

 When you shift your frequency on a cellular level.

your body's chemistry changes...

inflammation decreases...

digestion improves and is harmonious...

your immune system rebalances and can clear infections...

hormones balance and strength returns...

your body has resilience and vitality!

and unthinkable manifestations show up.

Your TRUE Nature is NOT to be sick, struggling or living in lack.

Through the EMBRACING HEALTH program you will...

  • ACTIVATE self-healing

  • RESOLVE root causes

  • MASTER manifestation

  • IGNITE prosperity & wealth

  • REGULATE your nervous system

  • RELEASE fight-or-flight

  • PROTECT your energy

  • RECLAIM your power to create

The path is a systematic process of changing your inner foundation to one that allows health, vitality & prosperity in all ares of your life. We're aligning your brain and nervous system with the Truest version of who you really are inside.

Each month of your year includes:

 ⭐️ LIVE group Zoom call where I will guide you through activating a new level of consciousness for healing & intentional manifestation

This will include up to 3 "Hot Seat" 1:1 processing sessions per call. We will all benefit from those who step in to receive. Live calls take place the 1st Thursday of each month* at 11am MT/ 1pm EST (approx 90 mins.) First Call is June 6th 2024 

*for July and January, the call will be the second Thursday of the month.

⭐️ Recorded Group Integration Call

These calls allow for new neural pathways to be developed and strengthened, and old programs, belief systems, and toxic patterns to be resolved. Just listening in helps your system and cells integrate what you're learning.

⭐️ Video Training Exercise

This introduces the work we are doing that month and gives you powerful exercises to deeply integrate the work."

⭐️ Guided Audio Meditation

These will be used regularly throughout each month to assist cellular integration on the deepest level.

⭐️ EFT Tapping Session and Script

Change your brain and integrate the monthly topic using this powerful guided EFT Tapping session. You will also have the script provided for your personal Tapping use.

Here's the curriculum:

Dissolving Old Programming

The Science of How the Body Heals Itself: Activating Self Healing
Connect with the Healing Power within so you release old patterns keeping illness in place, so you can create the changes you wish to see.

You are Pure Energy: Transitioning to a Higher Consciousness
We must change our self-identity to sustain foundational changes. This month you will learn to sustain effortless health and wealth by releasing fear/lack patterns and receiving a new sense of self.

Resolving Root Causes: Getting Underneath Your Symptoms
This month you will learn to find what underlies your symptoms and dissolve these energies at the root cause so the immune system clears illness and the body regenerates itself.

Practicing Your Creative Power

How Thoughts Create Your Health and Life Circumstances
Gain power over your thoughts to master MindBody Manifestation, so you intentionally create the energy, vitality and circumstances your heart desires.

Creating a New Personal Reality
Everything changes when you change your neural pathways and inner signals. This month you will step into your True Nature and witness all new possibilities that previously seemed impossible.

Heart Coherence: Let Healing Happen Through You
You never have to do the heavy lifting. Rather than working to solve problems, you'll enter the dimension of the heart so you let greater healing and abundance effortlessly come through you and see problems dissolve, solutions appear, and resources show up effortlessly.

Integrating Deep Healing

Out of Fight-or-Flight and Into Clarity and Power
Surrender is the path to allowing your True Nature create the majesty that your life is meant to be. Learn to trust the innate intelligence within you as never before, so you release the small "you" and live from a heightened state of power and flow.

Increase Your Frequency: Inner Child Healing
Resolve past traumas and hurts by learning to be your own healer. Meet the previously unseen parts of you keeping illness, lack, and struggles intact. This month you will access the power of unconditional healing.

Out of Victim Into Mastery
You are meant to live fully resourced and provided for. Release the path of powerlessness and see life through new eyes so you always find your way through challenges to greater joy, health, wealth and vitality.

Accessing Universal Source Consciousness

Inner or Outer Power: Beyond Separation and Fear
Cultivate unconditional inner power to transcend the old challenges and pains. This month you will release fear and lack and live unconditionally resourced.

Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energies: Resolving the False Self Through Love
You are meant to live as pure love, whole and thriving. This month you will activate the main energy channels in your body so you flourish into your full expression. Activate the love that's inside you so you receive love and passion in your relationships, show up as your true self for others, and let your body return to thriving health.

Claiming Your Power to Create
As pure energy, all potentials for your life exist simultaneously. Which ones you activate is up to you! Anything is possible, and this month you will activate a higher possibility for your life and personal expression. Become a Divine creator for the benefit of all beings everywhere and begin living your life as a gift to the world.


⭐️ Neuroplasticity Program 

Use a powerful neurographic art process with EFT Tapping to resolve root causes and blocks to healing. You can use this process throughout your year to accelerate your expansion and growth and assist in unwinding blockages as they arise.

⭐️ Money Mastery

Be conscious with money, release blockages to true wealth and prosperity, and allow the resources to flow. This audio will assist you in changing your brain and releasing unconscious programming that's had you in limitation with money, resources, and finances.

⭐️ Liquid Dance

Move the energy! I've created this powerful expressive dance process to assist you in moving the energy when densities arise. This can be done for any level of fitness. Even those who were in bed found great benefit in this work!

⭐️ Tapping Mini-Course

Learn EFT Tapping, a powerful MindBody tool to resolve the root causes of symptoms, illness, and recurrent challenges you're facing in life that don't seem to change. You'll learn how to know what to tap on and how to do self-directed Tapping no matter what is coming up!

Hi! I’m Dr. Kim D’Eramo, your guide!

I've created this program and will be teaching you LIVE every month!

I am a physician who had my awakening experience when I was 16 years old. I was suddenly able to see beyond the veil that we are physical, into the truth that we are vibrational. I could hear people's thoughts, know what was going on inside their bodies, and have the total awareness that we are all co-creating every bit of our reality.

After a period of integration, I came to understand that Infinite Wisdom was within me. The more I have been willing to listen within, the more prosperity, wealth, and abundance has come through my life.

I became a physician, was board-certified in Emergency Medicine and also studied Osteopathic Medicine, which is the science behind how the body heals itself and the mind and body are connected. I created "Embracing Health" to walk individuals through their own awakening to see beyond the veil and access their true power for health, prosperity, and abundance.

Through my own journey of resolving an autoimmune illness, my understanding of MindBody Medicine, and my expertise as a physician, I welcome you to explore the infinite potential that lies within you!


Your MindBody Mentors have been program participants and are specifically trained in this work. They've come through resolving their own major health and personal life challenges using this work and will help you do the same.


We've moved our Community off of Facebook and to an even more exclusive space for you to share with each other and get more assistance.

Each Week Kim, or a MindBody Mentor will be LIVE in the group to answer your questions and give you more personal assistance in integrating this work into your own body and life. Thursdays at 11am MT and on the last Thursday of the month at 5pm MT.

You will STILL have access to all the material AND the community even after your year is completed.

"I no longer have Lupus!"

"This created a space for choices I would never have made in the past. I no longer need to take these supplements or avoid these foods anymore because my body is in a space of wellness. This past week I had a follow-up appointment with a practitioner I have been seeing for energy medicine treatments. I had stopped feeling the need to go as often. I did go for my follow up testing though, and I left there with a PERFECT SCORE and she tests all things - every gland, every organ, every mineral, every food sensitivity, every hormone .... and her husband who is in the field of genetics developed a frequency device to turn on the genes to fight your condition - it too showed no lupus in the body! I am in awe with the fact that even though I still have some physical symptoms, I am connected to the wellness in my body. I can just feel it! The validation was great to have too! A huge big hug to Dr. Kim, and thanks for your profound work - the last call we had really shifted things!" 
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Lara Cathcart

"Whereas in the past I used to constantly be triggered, annoyed and fighting with my mother-in-law, I was not triggered, annoyed or fighting with my mother-in-law at all this Christmas. I actually enjoyed being with her. Being in Embracing Health is really changing who I am. My husband says that I am not even the same person that I was two months ago. I am happy and I feel alive! I’m no longer the safe, protected, fearful, sick person that I was and myself and others are starting to feel my new energy. This holiday season friends were asking me what kinds of foods I can eat (because of my strict diet which I don’t approach so strictly anymore), asking me if it’s ok to use the stairs (it totally is) and telling me not to use the side door because there’s no handrail for the single step (single steps are fine for me).  At one gathering, I listened to friends talk about all of their food restrictions and I felt that it was so unnecessary. I don’t believe in strict food restrictions anymore. It was strange to hear other people discussing this even though I used to base so much of my healing on a strict diet and food restrictions. I’m realizing in the past that I taught everyone to protect me and treat me a certain way because I was sick and needed protection. Now when I hear these things it is shocking to me that people think of me this way. These changes are happening to me because I am opening and receiving everything in Embracing Health, MindBody TV and Dr. Kim’s workshops. Thank you for sharing all of your incredible wisdom with us and for everything that you do for all of us Dr. Kim D'Eramo!!! I am forever grateful!!💖"

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Jodie Shupena-Soulodre

"Prior to working with Dr. Kim, I had focused on healing from chronic fatigue and related physical and emotional symptoms for more than 15 years. I read books, worked with many practitioners, and devoted great amounts of my time, energy, and money towards trying to get well. Although I made significant progress over time, I was still mostly functioning from a place of fear and struggle.  

The degree of healing I’ve experienced through working with Dr. Kim is remarkable. This simple, yet profound, practice has changed my life. I have gained increased ease and fluidity throughout my day, more joy and wellbeing, greater love and compassion for myself, my family, and others, deeper presence and connection, and openness to life and its possibilities. 

I am immensely grateful to Dr. Kim and highly recommend working with her!"

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Hayley Spizz
"My migraines are GONE! I was at the chiropractor 3 times a week; now it's more like 3 times a year! I'm living fully with passion, fun, and others are commenting." -
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Roma Clasper
"Everything feels different. My energy levels are better! I'm able to care for myself and have energy and patience with my kids... I'm having FUN and got something even bigger than expected out of this program! This is the program that keeps on giving!"
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Heather Johnson
"I am off medications and my GERD symptoms and colitis is resolving! My husband and children have been more open to me, and our family meetings are open and connected... If you have Autoimmune Disease, this is the route to go!"
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Patty Schroeder
"After being on disability for years with Lyme Disease, and spending over $100,000 on treatments, running from one thing to another, you got right to the meat of what was really going on for me! My physical illness is resolving! I am no longer in fear. I had fears of being in a group instead of one-on-one, and got way more from the group than I'd ever expected! Everyone should take this program!" 
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Trisha Loomis
"Since I joined the program 2 months ago, my acid reflux is 80% better, this is wonderful and I am extremely grateful for it, but more wonderful is that I have stopped giving it power over me. Before the program I was constantly checking what I was eating, and scared of food because of the symptoms I could get from eating, well not anymore!!! I am still eating wisely, but not making food wrong. I am just ignoring any symptom and canceling them by saying “I cancel that, I not longer believe in that, that’s just a believe system and I have the power to cancel it. I swear they fade when I declare that. Since that approach I am much much better in body and mind. I have been dealing with fatigue and brain fog for a few years now. The fatigue is 50% better, the brain fog is still there and it is difficult to surrender to that one, I am a work in progress 😊
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Saray Calcedo

You are a life changer, and I am forever deeply grateful for YOU, your work, and the positive effects it is having, and will continue to have on my life. You tap into things that I have suppressed for so long and didn’t even realize I was holding on to. 

The future is LIGHT!"

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Ellen Rainford
"Embracing Health program is transforming my life. It's been a gentle year-long awakening, teaching me to surrender and allow emotions and physical symptoms to be felt and released. This is allowing me to love and nurture myself and life in a new way. I know I will carry on improving physically and emotionally as I have a new relationship with myself, my body and with life.

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Ruth Venable
"I’m grateful for this program.  I feel every time there is a live meeting (every month) something shifts in me.  Also listening to other weekly posts from dr. Kim!:))  I believe it doesn’t matter if I’m not having one on one talking to dr. Kim. This work is energetic and on many dimensions and it just works for me…. I feel my anxiety and depression (didn’t know I have depression until it went away!!) has reduced significantly….  Just don’t worry if u raise ur hand in meetings and don’t get picked.  It’s energetic!  Just INTEND  and u will get the healing u r ready for."

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Sima Khorshidianable
"My autoimmune symptoms, asthma, allergies and high blood sugar symptoms have all improved soooo much. I’ve cut my medication in half. My A1C was over 9, sometimes over 10 - for years - and last checked it was 6.9! My FNP was thrilled and even high-fived me! My weight is balancing out towards a normal weight. The worst of my conditions was my mental state. I went through a very traumatic experience for several years. I guess I had PTSD. It was horrific. And now I sleep all night peacefully, I don’t relive those experiences all day long anymore and I am full of joy much of the time, which is so awesome for me and my family. And I’m physically getting healthier!."

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Janet Husen
"For the first time since 2017 my EBV has gone into remission. I no longer have Brucellosis and my immune status is tracking in the right direction. This is UNBELIEVABLE to me! I CRIED in gratitude when I saw this. The recovery is tangible. Inside and out.""

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Shari Guess
Enjolique Zimmerman
As a recent graduate of the Embracing Health program, I felt inspired to share a bit about my experience.

"My health took a major turn after a hospitalization for viral meningitis in my late teens. My life became a strange hybrid game of dominoes and ping pong as my symptoms worsened and I bounced from doctor to doctor. Diagnosis after diagnosis and medication after medication (many of which made me sicker) and the desperate search for the "right" someone or something to come along and fix me, all yielded no real results. I was weak and dysfunctional physically, scattered mentally, and emotionally stuck in a hyper-reactive state.

I had settled into believing this was just life for me...but when I stumbled upon Dr. Kim’s videos, something in her words beckoned me to open up again, to ask myself what else could be possible. Somewhere deep inside I had always feared I was a weakling and an imposter...like this sickness was a mask I could take off if only I knew how and had the strength. As I listened to Dr. Kim’s message and allowed my awareness to shift, I saw I was just "two degrees removed" from my truth. I wasn’t an imposter, I just knew there was more available for me, and that my soul was calling me to honor that knowing. My dis-ease wasn’t a mask, it was a road map to all the places inside myself that needed to be met with loving attention. And I wasn’t weak, just stuck in perpetual recovery from all the fighting I was doing. Suddenly I didn’t just think something else was possible, I KNEW it. I followed that knowing in a way I never had before, joining Embracing Health and surrendering to the process.

I completed EH just two months ago. The way my life changed over the course of that year is nothing short of amazing. The shifts I experienced in perspective, in communicating with my body, and in loving myself unconditionally were astronomical in nature, and the shifts I continue to experience as my awareness expands past the foundation I built over the course of the program are mind blowing.

In terms of symptom resolution: I went from having to take Magnesium Citrate 2-3 times a week to stimulate functionality of my digestive system to NEVER having to take it, with a digestive system I don’t even have to think about at least 75% of the time. My subluxations and dislocations decreased, and when they did occur, I was able to recover from them in hours or days instead of days or weeks. The pain was less and dissipated faster because I learned how to let it move. I was taking a dozen medications, depending on the day, and now take ONE, and it is as needed! My migraines have resolved, my tremor has decreased. My cervicogenic headaches have been cut in half in both frequency and duration!

My sleep has become deeper and more regenerative; I was waking up 4-5 times a night at the beginning, now I wake up maybe 1-3. My full-on panic attacks went away COMPLETELY, and now when I do start to feel anxious or reactive, I know EXACTLY what my body needs to move through all of it fluidly, so not only do I experience anxiety less frequently but the anxiety that does come NEVER vice grips me the way it used to. I am awaiting improvements in other areas, like energy, strength, and stamina, but know now as all these other symptoms fall away, I make space for these qualities I desire to come to fruition!

From this clearer space, I invited in miracles, like the opportunity to love closer to my family, and access to one of the most renowned EDS specialists in the world, who was able to recommend a simple change of my salt and electrolyte intake that was an absolute game-changer.

I have also moved mental/emotional mountains inside me thanks to this work. To list just a few: I am gentler on myself, I give and allow and receive gracefully, I have stepped out of a place of judgement for myself and others, I communicate and interact with my body in a way I had no idea was available to me. This work has deepened my relationships immensely. It has invited me to see the world, my life, current events, my loved ones, conflict, and "adversity" from the most incredible bird’s-eye view, KNOWING that everything in my world is happening for me.

If this sounds impossible, or like a stretch of the truth, please know I understand. I was IN that space right before I took a leap of faith and signed up for Embracing Health. But I can promise you that if you feel even an inkling of recognition of the truth in what I’ve written, you WILL NOT regret grabbing onto it and letting it guide you.

I would like to make clear that no one asked me to write this post. I watched the interview with Dr. Kim and Jessica and felt inspired and compelled to share this with the community that might benefit hearing it! My motivation in writing this is nothing more than to invite more people to experience the freedom of feeling better, stepping into their power, embracing who they are, living vibrantly. This is just me, rooting for you to say YES to your YES, so this time next year YOU might be the one living your success story and wanting to pass it on!"
 Jodie Shupena-Soulodre

I want to share about my journey this year in Embracing Health.

"I want to share about my journey this year in Embracing Health.
I’ve had MS for 25 years and I’ve spent over 20 years reading so many books about mind-body medicine and trying to heal through yoga, acupuncture, homeopathy, diet, visualization, meditation, etc. Dr. Kim’s work is the pinnacle of everything that I’ve come across in over twenty years. I’ve never heard about these new ideas that we are electromagnetic, energetic beings. Dr. Kim’s Embracing Health program has helped me to see my body and my health in an entirely new way. With the western medicine system, I believed that I was in a battle with my body and that my body was attacking me. Now I am changing the old programs. I have a relationship with my body. I am loving, nurturing, comforting, and communicating with my body.

My outlook on life has changed. I have moved from victimhood into a powerful, healthy, strong being that is already whole. Life is on my side. My cells are listening to these new messages and my body is responding and healing physically, emotionally and energetically. I have learnt that the power is in me, not outside of me. Softening and breathing deeply is my medicine. Awareness, feeling and allowance is my medicine. I love my body exactly as it is, unconditionally. My remaining physical symptoms have greatly improved. My fear, protection and anxiety are gone. My inner state is calm and peaceful. I have received more than I could have ever imagined in Embracing Health!! I am completely changed. I am excited to discover what is next on this beautiful healing journey!!"
Dr. Kim's Answers To Your Questions


Here's what you will receive:


  • LIVE Monthly Group Calls on Zoom with Dr. Kim the 1st Thursday of each month starting June 6th (11am MT/ 1pm ET) to guide you through the content. (approx. 90 mins). Call dates will be June 6th, July 11th, August 1st, September 5th, October 3th, November 7th, December 5th, January 9th, February 6th, March 6th, April 3rd, May 1st
  • Monthly Pre-Recorded Group Calls to assist you in integrating a new consciousness and accelerate healing
  • Monthly Powerful Audio Meditations to shift your frequency and integrate the highest levels of health
  • Online Assistance from MindBody Mentors in our Online Community Forum with weekly LIVE check-ins as you go through this every Thursday at 11am MT /1pm EST & once a month at 5pm MT/ 7pm EST
  • MindBody Mastery video modules: 5 Modules of Powerful MindBody Tools for Healing and Awakening
  • Bonus audios and videos to specifically assist with sleep, money and prosperity, EFT Tapping for personal health and wealth, an amazing Daily Integration Exercise, and more
  • LIFETIME ACCESS to our private Embracing Health community (access to audit future program versions and activity)

(or choose 6 monthly payments of $420)

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TIER 2: (in addition to TIER 1)

  • Quarterly (4) small-group LIVE Zoom calls with Kim with 1:1 interaction in group to personally address your questions and assist your journey. These will be smaller groups for deeply integrative sessions together!
  • Live monthly group Zoom calls with MindBody Mentors for the remaining months to integrate the work, address questions, and offer direct personal guidance for your deepening into this work. These will also be smaller group calls from the Tier 1 group and you will have the opportunity for more personalized assistance.

(or choose 6 monthly payments of $2500)

Got more Q's? Click here for answers
 Hear more from past students here  

©2024 American Institute of MindBody Medicine, LLC.

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