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Entering the Unknown to Allow Massive Healing with Bernadette Logue

Bernadette was living in severe chronic pain and trying everything to heal. She didn’t know what was causing this, but she knew she hated her job and was pushing herself like crazy to make her life work. When she finally decided “I’m not doing this anymore,” she left her job, sold everything, traveled around the world, and her disease was gone!

Join me for this week’s MindBody TV to learn how to step into the unknown and free yourself for massive healing!


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  1. Hi ! i absolutely LOVE your work and have already benefitted so much from it. I signed up for the videos on pain abatement and somehow lost my “in” to find them. I have a password but cant’ tell how or where to use it. Help ! Thanks

    • Hi Robyn,

      You can email support@drkimd.com and I can get you everything you need.


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