EFT Tapping sequence to end pain and fatigue
If you’ve ever tried to fix your pain, illness, anxiety, or fatigue with self-healing, you know how frustrating it can be to persist, and get absolutely nowhere.
Instead, use Tapping (or other MindBody tools) to send your body Love and Compassion!
YES, medical science has shown that entering the frequency of Love has a powerful healing impact on your body.
Watch the video for a tapping sequence to do exactly this.
Instead of trying to end the pain, get out of anxiety, or kick the fatigue….
THIS is SO much more powerful!
It’s a little “tweak” on regular tapping and I’ve seen this work when nothing else did.
Try it now and let me know how you feel!!
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The BodyTalk System is a natural holistic therapy designed to re-synchronise your body’s energy allow for self-healing and increased all round health.
Dear Kim. Do you have a written tapping script I can print out for pain and also for anxiety? Thanks so much Lisa XO