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EFT Tapping for Personal Power and Healing

Yes, you really do have the power within you to change everything….and there are some big things ready to come into your life right now! Are they getting your attention? You’ll either feel them through inspiration or desperation. Are you ready to have the confidence and clarity to step into your personal power and initiate great healing?

In this episode of MindBody TV we’ll use EFT Meridian Tapping, a powerful MindBody tool, to generate major changes in your brain and thinking so you generate massive changes in your life now!

Learn more about The Instant Elevation Program and the MindBody Toolkit Immersion Program.

P.S It’s not to late to register for this year’s Tapping Summit. Learn more about this incredible event here.


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1 Comment

  1. Kim and Staff,

    Thank you for this important video. I feel in light of our dark times and where our civilization is going in the coming months and next few years the most important thing one can do to contribute to others is to embody peace and rest in their hearts and bodies. Peace! Be still…. Life Force! My wife and I felt that inner peace of divine presence yesterday when the tornado sires were screaming in our community at 5:30 am. Violent weather through out central Ohio. This a example of what that stillness can do in a time of crisis. And we are facing a time of crisis in our civilization. Climate Change, craziness, unrest, War and other terrible events. BE STILL ….. to renew Life Force. that gives the hope we need and others.

    Heart Felt Peace,

    Bill and Carol


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