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3 Step Process for Depression: Part 2

What do you do when parts of you are rejecting what is coming up?

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I had so many great comments and questions from last week’s video “3 Step Process for Depression: Part 1” (you can view it HERE if you missed it) so I created another video to bring you deeper into understanding what’s going on.

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We must all open to a higher level on COMPASSION for what’s arising as we move into higher frequencies.

Blessings to you on this journey.


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  1. Love, love, love your integrity, your compassion, how you teach! I resonate with everything you say (from my 79 years of age), as I have known depression in many forms and they still visit me from time to time. Now I let them be as they are; I feel them and give them as much love as I can… and they always end up dissolving into a deeper and more compassionate understanding of myself (and others). Blessings and love!

    • This was beautiful. Thank you for sharing!

    • Marion, I am also 79 years. I am discovering practicing what Dr Kim uses and find great peace now. My mind is more quiet, a miracle.


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