Be the Medicine
For those of you who are here to assist others, this is essential stuff to integrate!
Whether this program calls to you, or something else, I know we are all here to create a new system for wellness and health for Humanity.

Receiving Wealth and Abundance
Receiving Wealth and Abundance There is a big LIE many of us have been conditioned to believe that blocks health, wealth, and abundance. That’s the idea that the more we RECEIVE, the less others will have. This is exactly opposite what’s True in our...
Ready to Delete Money Blocks?
Many practitioners I’ve spoken to aren’t making the money they really want simply because of this ONE thing we’ve been trained to do… …PUT OTHERS BEFORE OURSELVES!

Be The Medicine Questions Answered
I gave a talk to other doctors and wellness practitioners about how WE ourselves are the greatest component that contributes to those we are assisting.