Are You A Closet Empath?
Highly sensitive people are deeply aware of what’s going on around and within our bodies. We may be overwhelmed by others’ emotions or by our own fear. We can even become hypochondriac fearing every sensation. As an HSP (highly sensitive person) or empath, we may also be unable to function in the current societal structures, while others seem to have no problem with this.
Energy sensitivity is actually a gift. As empaths, we are able to awaken beyond the current structures to create a new way of life! Join me for this week’s episode of MindBody TV to turn your empathic sensitivity into strength and use it to navigate your way into a new world!
To watch the replay of the workshop visit drkimd.com/workshop.
And to learn more about the upcoming Be the Medicine Program visit drkimd.com/btm.
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I actually think this is half true. I think it’s actually a bit more complex than I create my own reality. I’m responsible. We do contribute to our reality and we do have some responsibility. And there is a Higher Power I believe that to me is God who also orchestrates events in our lives and causes things to happen in the 3D for the good of the soul that our ego may not like or would have necessarily chosen for ourselves (where faith and surrender of the will come in). And then there’s the collective reality we experience because we are all connected as humans that effects us and plays a role. So I agree it’s not outside in but that the external is an outpicturing, a confluence of all of these (and probably more) factors that make up our lived experience. That’s where my current understanding takes me anyway.