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Activating the Relaxation Response: The Key to Healing and Manifestation

Your body has the ability to heal and regulate itself and to impact the material conditions and circumstances of your life. It all comes down to the state of your nervous system. Your nervous system generates a powerful electromagnetic field that impacts everyone and everything around you! And you get to determine whether that impact is positive or negative. Never has there been a more important time to learn to master the technology of your body!

In this episode of MindBody TV, we’ll explore how to activate your nervous system to generate healing and increase your vibrational frequency for your benefit and the benefit of all your world.

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  1. November 2, 2023

    Dr. Kim and Friends,

    Again, Thank you for your weekly videos. This week in your message you mention HEARTMATH. Focusing on your heart(Feelings) and letting the feelings come up to the surface. To enter the stillness or rest. As the good book says: ” A heart at rest brings life to the body.” And we need that inner peace to weather the turbulence of our times. It is a real balancing act of being and doing. The same way in being aware of what is going on in the nation and world. To be aware, but not sucked into the matrix. Never the less, we live in this world and these bodies. My wife and I have this gut level(heart) feeling that more terrible events are about to happen as we move towards Christmas and into the new year and beyond?? The challenge is to embody this stillness in our hearts and body. To become as you would say the medicine in a very dark time in history as this decade(2020’s) is proving to be since the pandemic 2020.

    Meanwhile, we continue to labour(feel the feelings as they move out) to enter that rest in our hearts and bodies.


    Bill and Carol

  2. I have been following Dr Kim for a long time, and I only recently came to the realization of where my fear comes from. I fully believe that I am creating all of my inflammation and chronic illness, but I have no idea how to get past the fear. It pops up out of no where and for seemingly no reason. If seems like it is an autonomic/biological response, and I don’t know how to get past it. I try ti accept it, but I have these feelings of having been deprived of so many things as a child that I have no innate trust in the universe. In some ways I feel I boils down to one question. How do I demonstrate love for myself and others, but especially for myself, when I never, or rarely experienced it?

    • Thank you for your comment Louis. We are here for you. Please reach out to support@drkimd.com and we can further support you on your health journey.


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