Feb 27, 2018 | Dr. Kim D'Eramo Blog, Tapping
One of the BIGGEST things I see keeping people stuck in lack and limitation… -not enough HEALTH, -not enough ENERGY, -not enough TIME, -not enough MONEY, -not enough LOVE… Is the underlying idea “I’m not enough.” It comes in many forms…
Feb 20, 2018 | Dr. Kim D'Eramo Blog, Mindset
The magnetic power of your HEART is 5,000 times more impactful than that of your brain, yet most of us spend our time using our brain to solve our problems.
Feb 13, 2018 | Dr. Kim D'Eramo Blog, Health, Mindset, Tapping
Happy Valentine’s Day! Yes, LOVE does heal your body. Here is an EFT Tapping sequence to assist you in releasing self-sabotage and embracing self-love so you can HEAL easily and receive LOVE in your life!
Feb 6, 2018 | Dr. Kim D'Eramo Blog, Mindset
When you try to make things happen in your life and are holding certain expectations or outcomes in mind, you are in a space that is conditional. You might get what you want… you might not, AND it’s in the future.