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Opening to Abundance

Opening to Abundance

So often people think they need to work hard to live a fuller, richer life. It’s just the opposite! As you open to your Essence, the truth of who you are, living a rich life becomes easy!

You’re NOT broken! Change your brain

You’re NOT broken! Change your brain

If you’ve ever thought you “have” a medical problem and that can’t be changed, or you’ll “always” have to deal with this… THINK AGAIN! The latest neuroscience studies show that the brain is capable of changing form.

Connect with Your Body’s Wisdom

Connect with Your Body’s Wisdom

I was recently interviewed by my friend Dr. Michelle Robin on her podcast Small Changes Big Shifts. We covered: How to connect with your body’s Wisdom instead of trying to figure out how to heal; Tapping into guidance from your body to live with Ease; and much more!