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Is the NEWS Making You Sick?

Is the NEWS Making You Sick?

Why am I so anxious, doctor? Should I be on medication for this?” We are living in a time where anxiety is more the norm than the exception. Most people are unaware of what’s driving it or of the profound impact it has on our health and lives.

Your Hidden Superpower #5: FOCUS

Want to make a major change in your mood instantly….and lose weight in the process? Well, what you FOCUS your attention on creates chemical changes in your body that affect your emotions, your brain function…

Your Hidden Superpower #4: BREATH

Do you know that your heart rate, blood pressure and respirations correlate with your emotions? If you’re angry, irritable or anxious, your heart rate is irregular, your blood pressure is elevated, and you are breathing in quick shallow chest breaths.

Your Hidden Superpower #3: LOVE

Your Hidden Superpower #3: LOVE

I did a procedure in the ER last night on a patient who told me she had a “bad knee.” I immediately stopped the procedure and told her “We’re not doing anything here until you decide this is a good knee.”

Your Hidden Superpower #2: POSE

What’s posture got to do with health? The way you hold your body creates subtle but powerful changes in your chemistry altering your mood, your energy level, and even your brain activity.