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Your Hidden Superpower #1: WORDS

Do you know that when you speak, your body is listening? The words you say have meaning and resonance in your body… and a health consequence.

Studies have shown that your tone, volume and meaning is immediately registered in your cells and moves you either toward vibrance and harmony….or toward dis-ease.

Whether you say: “I feel like crap” or “I’m so tired” or “I always have back pain” or “My bad knee”…..your body logs that in and produces the corresponding result.

The other interesting thing about your words is…YOU are the world’s leading authority on EVERYTHING…to your body!

YES! That means no matter how much evidence there is that the world is round, if you keep repeating:  “The world is flat” you will continue to experience it that way.

How do you know if you are misusing this Superpower??? Easy. You will have repetitive struggle and pain around that issue:

-Pain in your body

-Not enough time or energy

-Struggles with money

-Challenges in a relationship

Just begin to notice what you are saying about this part of your body or life. You will become aware of exactly what I’m talking about!

Try it:

  1. Breathe 3 deep breaths, and bring your attention onto your body.
  1. Say out loud to yourself: “I am amazing and everything is going to be okay for me.
  1. Monitor how you feel.
  1. Now, say the words: “I hate my life and I will never make it.”
  1. Feel your body.

-There is a consequence!-

(Let’s end on a high!!)

  1. Tell yourself: “No matter what, Life is on my side and I can always Trust my body!

How was that??!

Share here and comment below with your insight to strengthen your Mind-Body connection now!!

Sending love,

-Dr. Kim

P.S. Since you are the leading expert to your body, just imagine what things you can change when you master using this Superpower!!!

I’ve seen magic happen from reversing disease to healing troubled relationships to patients with years of depression getting off medications, all when there seemed to be no way of making this happen.

Everything is possible.

…can’t wait to show you more!

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