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Are you working “hard” in your coaching business?

I used to think I had to work hard and build my business before I could relax and reap the benefits. When I did my business this way, Life reflected that belief.

I had to work reeeeally really hard, and I didn’t receive much.

When I FINALLY got it that this will never work, I let it go, embraced EFFORTLESSNESS, and guess what?

Life opened up and Abundance began to flow.

This video will show you how to make this transition and STOP WORKING IT, so you start embracing the Ease, Freedom, and Joy you are really here for!

What have been your greatest struggles in developing your wellness-based business? Have you bought into the idea that you have to struggle? What have been the results?

REPLY below!

For practitioners who are ready to go deeper with this work, CLICK HERE to learn about my Be the Medicine practitioner program!



  1. Dear Dr. KIM: Always so surprising, unique and inspiring! THANK YOU for persistently nudging us all into the EASY FLOW of LIFE!

  2. Yes, I noticed this ages ago. Every time I “bit the bullet” and chose the hard-working path, it turned out to be just tiring and did not bring any benefits.
    On the other hand, when I followed my inner intuition (and just worked at “easy pace”, almost feeling a bit “lazy”), it just worked perfectly ok.


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