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Doctors Said She’d Never Walk Again: Woman Heals from Multiple Scleroses

For those of you in the MindBody Community on Facebook, you’ve probably seen her.

Anita Griffith is walking after she had been told by doctors she was in the end stage of severe Multiple Sclerosis and only had a few months to live.

Here is the interview where she shares her story and what made all the difference.

Anita came to my work a couple of years ago and has participated in the Embracing Health group, the ALIVE Woman program, the Instant Elevation, and some other parts of my work. I had never met her until recently when she shared her amazing recovery that baffled her doctors.

This woman is so filled with light, love, and courage….and she’s also had her dark nights of the soul. Having met deep spaces of hopelessness and despair, she’s here not to share a message about being positive, but to embody the deep compassion that this experience has opened her to.

If you’ve struggled with a severe illness and been told:

“there’s no hope”, 
or “you’ll just have to live with this,”
or “there’s nothing else that can be done”…..

but in your heart you know that’s just not true for you, keep following that knowing!!!

Anita is living proof that there is more possibility for us when we open beyond conventional thinking and follow the wisdom within.

Please share this touching story with others you know who may also be feeling the hopelessness or despair that can come when we’re told something is not possible for us with healing.

XOX and love!

P.S. For those who are just starting with this work, The Instant Elevation Program is a great place to begin to integrate these principles and activate the powerful healing within you!!


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  1. Kim, this was one of the most powerful and heartfelt interviews! It’s amazing what she was able to receive and heal! Anita, so powerful to hear you say by surrendering, you actually got better! Such a powerful and touching story!!

  2. Incredible story and one I found personally very confronting as a person with ms. I struggle to walk at times and it is really scary. Surrender is a word I have used very regularly in my journaling. I am in the Embracing Health program and have not watched anything this month. I think it actually comes down to a fear of failure. Somewhere deep down I am terrified it won’t work. What would failure look like for me? Well I guess physically deteriorating yet my Soul and essence is truly beautiful and so full of love. The question always comes back to, can I be with this?


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