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HEALED! With Lyme, Mold Toxicity & Colitis, They Didn’t Know What to Do With Me

MindBody Miracles Interview Series featuring Maura Nash Kennedy: “With Lyme, Mold Toxicity & Colitis, They Didn’t Know What to Do With Me”

Watch this week’s special episode of MindBody TV featuring LIVE interaction and inspirational stories with people just like you, who healed their serious illness with MindBody Medicine.

You’ll find that, perhaps like you, all of these individuals had moments of profound doubt, desperation, and hopelessness where they believed they couldn’t heal, wouldn’t heal, or this wouldn’t work for them.

….and all of them moved beyond that to allow something else in.

I’m eager to share this not only to show what’s possible even for the most serious diseases but also to share what this journey really looks like and how to move through the density when things seem impossible.

For all the interviews in the MindBody Miracles series WATCH HERE.

To learn more about the Embracing Health Program visit https://drkimd.com/health

And here is the link to the upcoming free workshop: “GET ANSWERS: Find Out How To Heal Your Chronic Illness, Pain or Fatigue That’s Baffled Your Doctors”: https://drkimd.com/workshop


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  1. I really wanted to listen to the one about healing from Lyme, Mold, etc but could not listen to it because the guest was saying “like” pretty much every other word. I just couldn’t do it. 🙁


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