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Why being “out of control” can heal your body

We’re taught to “be careful” and stay in control of our lives, but do you realize how much energy goes into controlling yourself?

What if you were willing to be out of control?

Do you realize how freeing that is?

One of my patients who had suffered from Lyme, severe fatigue, anxiety and depression just told me today “I feel lighter and freer than I’ve ever felt before!”

She’s getting off medications and is enjoying life more than ever.

The biggest lesson she integrated? Letting go of control!

When we let go and let life, we allow life to move through us. Instead of controlling our expression, our choices, and being careful, we receive what life really has in store for us.

It is SO freeing and takes so little energy to live this way.

Living like this also allows you to receive the gift that you are.

At the end of the session, my patient said “Thank you, Dr. Kim, for using your gifts of intuition.”

I realized at that moment how important it’s been for me to allow my gifts to come through, instead of controlling them. If I’d stayed in my former medical practice, only doing the things I thought would be well-received, and looking to the outer world for guidance on how to be, I would never have expressed the gifts of who I really am. I would have been careful, played it safe, and been miserable every day!

Not only would this have inhibited my career, but I would certainly have continued to break down with illness, anxiety and depression AND be depleted and fatigued.

That’s no way to live!

So even if there’s fear, ask yourself: “What would it take for me to express myself freely and live the TRUTH of who I really am?”

Forget about how others might respond, or how you’ll make it work. Just be willing to receive this gift.

That’s today’s prescription!

I guarantee it will lead to greater vitality, more freedom, and vibrantly fulfilling life.



  1. Thank You!
    I see me in you, however, I do not wish to be a doctor. Yet I know I Am able to help others see and SENCE the flovor of life; which is lite not heavy with weight we tent to put on.

  2. I watched you video but I dont know how to let go of the fears and anixety. I dont no me any more. I am 60 years old lost my job now had frozen shoulder 2 1/2 yrs which left me with loss of muscle tone and pain. In shoulders and neck. Now I feel like my life is out of control im dpinning out of control and mothing to look forward to. I feel as though if this is what my life has become I dont want no part of it. I really dont have anything good to look forward to. Being now unemployed my life will now be reporting to unemployment everyday searching for work to be knocked bavk on over and and over due to my age. Have thoughts my life is boring dull uninteresting. I dont want to live being this unhappy how easy it would be to end it. I really have list hope feel lost empty can you help im in australia so a long way awsy from you.

  3. How does one let go of control

    • Great question. The biggest part is noticing that you’re holding on to trying to control things. That gives you the awareness so you can make new choices.
      Also, relaxing your body is a great first step. It is impossible to hold things when you relax. That lets you physically let go, and signals your mind to also let go.
      When you do that, you begin to see things from a higher perspective, and that opens you to new possibilities and choice.


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