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Why Awakening INTENSIFIES Things and What To Do…

If you’ve been practicing this healing work, or EFT (the Tapping Summit’s going on right now!) for awhile…things can get intense!!

It’s enough to make you want to just SHUT DOWN again… but don’t. Here’s what to do to move things through.

There’s one thing that always snaps me out of it and brings me back to peace and ease.

That’s remembering my PURPOSE, the thing I care most about, my “why.” It gives me the courage to move through challenging energy, when my mind just wants to escape.

You can do the same. Tap that space in you and ask “What would make ALL of this be SO worth it?”

…then do it (presence what’s coming up with total willingness) for that!

Amazing times we’re living in!


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1 Comment

  1. Thank you! I’ve had some super emotional nights doing the tapping summit! I’m excited to see what happens after this summit is finished 😁


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