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When Healing Seems “Impossible”

My friend Shiroko Sokitch, MD has just launched her new book “How to Heal When It Seems Impossible: 7 Keys to Defy the Odds”!!

I am SO excited to share this with you!

Shiroko is a conventionally trained surgeon, who also has an education in Chinese Medicine and Functional Medicine.

— Here is a conversation I had with her about her book AND why more doctors were previously not so open to this way of thinking. —

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Shiroko shares:

  • Her own healing journey and how she’s assisted so many to heal
  • Why LOVE is the key to healing and how to use this “superpower”
  • How to defy the “odds” of what most doctors think is possible
  • How to EXPAND into your pain, when you want to contract
  • AND
  • What to do when “nothing is working” for you

I have also purchased her book and am using her workbook that accompanies it!

HERE is the link to get your copy now!

Dr. Kim



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