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‘This isn’t working’…What It Really Means When Things Don’t Go Your Way

Years back when I suffered from autoimmune disease, nothing I had learned about MindBody healing mattered. My symptoms got worse and worse the more I tried to apply what I had learned. I was afraid things were out of control and frustrated to see no change. I hadn’t yet made the journey from my head to my heart. When I hit my “bottom” is when I finally let go and experienced massive change. It happened all at once and I’ve never looked back.

Watch this week’s episode of MindBody TV where I shared what’s really happening when things “aren’t working” and how to welcome the experience so you receive the healing, love, and abundance you’re intending!

To join the Mindbody Awakening livestream event visit https://drkimd.com/dallas

And to learn more about the Mindbody Solution for Pain Release Program and the Instant Elevation Program visit:


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  1. Hi kim,
    Since my wife died almost two years ago my life has been turned upside down. No job due to covid restrictions. Moved house isolated. Speak to my neighbour about 15 mins per month. live with my daughter Also suffer from occasional bouts of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. Money constant worry. Was guided at one Time in my life to write, now with covid have self published two books written seven, I am not vaccinated so travel to promote is a problem. I will try the exercise you suggested in your stream. Thank you for sharing your teachings so openly Thank you again Stephen Moore

  2. Hello,

    When purchase the Mind Body Connection, will I get the Entering Sovereignty ?

    Thank you

    • The Entering Sovereignty was not live-streamed. It was a separate part of the Dallas event. But if you purchase the livestream option, you will receive Friday night as well as Saturday (they are both being recorded). You will still also have time to join in live.

  3. January 24,2022.

    Dr. Kim, Staff and Others.

    Thank you for all the valuable mind, body tools in recent years to make a intelligent and heart felt recovery from terrible loss and hardship over the years. Sadly, we do not come into this world knowing these important tools. Ignorance is not bliss! So thank you a thousand times over!!

    Especially the tools related to HEARTMATH.

    As Life winds down it is important to finish the race in great peace and hope! Or as C.S. Lewis once said,” To make a GOOD Exit.” With the Focus on GOOD!!!

    Because sooner or later we all die that is a fact of life. The question is how we live this life?

    Especially in a growing turbulent world we are living in now. When our civilization is in question?

    Climate change, battered economy, unrest, wars, pandemics, and other terrible events bearing down on our civilization daily.

    So what does matter in these turbulent times?? In the end, ” Only Love remains.”

    Professor Guy McPherson Climate and Habitat Scientist.

    ” Out of the heart are the issues of life.”

    In Peace,

    Bill and Carol oh. usa


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