What Harvard doctors have to say about MindBody Medicine…
Last week I spoke at an amazing event with my friend Michael Rocha, MD, a cardiologist with a mission.
He’s created the New Bedford Wellness Initiative to transform his hometown (literally the most overweight town in the state!) into an empowered, healthy, fit community.
Here’s a vid from our Q+A that followed!
They hosted a showing of the documentary:
“The Connection: Mind Your Body” by John Kabat-Zinn, MD, and physicians from Harvard University.
(More on this coming!)
The turnout was huge and the message was so well received!
Multiple people came up to me after to relay their stories of reversing diseases their doctors told them they would have to deal with for life!
You’ll learn about my story with MindBody Medicine and why I’m SO passionate about this work!
The game of medicine is changing big time…and I’m so glad to be a part of this.
Be well!
-Dr. Kim
P.S. Share a comment and let me know your thoughts on MindBody Medicine. What needs do you have that our current medical model is not meeting?? Support is on the way!