3 Step Process to Welcome New Possibilities for Health
Shifting your state is the greatest vantage point of making a change in your life. Why? Because you impact everything around you.
When you are in the old state, it creates patterns of self-sabotage and judgment. If you don’t break the cycle of making yourself wrong, it will only create suppression.
Here is a 3-step process to welcome new possibilities for health:
- Go into curiosity. Curiosity is a higher frequency than judgment. Get curious about what’s going on within you. Tell yourself, “I wonder what’s going on here. I wonder what it takes for me to love myself unconditionally and create the life of my dreams?” It’s not about the answer! Staying in the energy of the question is the lightness itself.
- Give yourself 10-second pauses. Pause for a moment. Feel the breath coming in and relax your shoulders. Give yourself a 10-second “vacation” from your current state. Doing so braces up the neural associations and loosens old practiced patterns.
- Let the energies move. As you allow energies to move, you will feel more. Keep moving through the process by breathing or EFT Tapping.
The one thing that happens when you want to change your state is the resistance to where you are now, and what you resist persists. So what if you just shift into a different state and get curious? Give yourself 10-second pauses, and let the energies move because they will!
Links mentioned in the video:
Alive Woman Retreat: https://www.drkimd.com/retreat
Pain Release Program: https://www.drkimd.com/pain-release
Tapping Summit: https://bit.ly/TappingSummit2020
Embracing Health: https://www.drkimd.com/health
After watching this video, here’s my question for you:
- What can you get curious about now?
- How does it feel when you tune into the frequency of the question: “What would it take for me to be at peace with this now?”
- Are there insights and awarenesses that are arising about where you’ve been in judgment instead of curiosity?
Let me know in the comments below. I’d love to hear from you!
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