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Are You Blocking Abundance? The 3-Stages of Awakening

So many of us are on an awakening journey to learn to transcend what’s happening, to release triggers and be “above it,” however, this dynamically blocks manifestation. We can’t embody health, wealth, and love when we’re always rising above reality. How do we let things manifest when things feel so painful?

Watch this week’s episode of MindBody TV where I’ll continue from last week and share the 3-stages of awakening and how to truly embody the greatness you are created for!

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  1. Its funny how to unlock abundance, you first have to be abundant , I can’t afford the 500$ i guess i should add, at this time or for now , but when i will be abundant, then i will be able to afford it, but it means that i am already abundant so maybe i dont need the course any more .. What are your thoughts on this ?

    • Abundance is a frequency So, when we hold the truth that we are already abundant and open to receive, life will match us. If you choose to purchase a program for instance, you can choose it and the resources will flow in when they are ready to match you so that will become available.


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