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The 3 Stages of Change (and why most people don’t!)

It can be frustrating when we’re integrating new things to not see results right away.

Your body is responding to everything you do and there can be a lag time from when you make the change….to when your body registers it and responds.

There’s one thing so many of us do that extends this lag time and can limit change.

HERE is a video I made for you to make it much easier for you so see swift changes from integrating MindBody Medicine or ANY other change you’re taking on!

At first, we’ll feel different. In fact, universally when I complete a private session with a client (usually over Skype) they immediately feel completely different. They’re energized, or out of pain, or no longer anxious….

Then, there is when you start to make new choices. Of course that’s easy now because when you feel better, you automatically make choices that support you and allow your life to flourish.

Lastly, (IF you’ve continued forward and not made the big mistake I talk about in the video!) you begin to see that change reflected in your life and your body. There are actual cellular changes, hormonal changes, and even brain activity changes. AND you’ll see changes in other people, in your work, and in the way you are treated.

Yes, it’s like magic, but there’s a science behind how your Mind-Body system works. Pretty amazing.

Keep it up and post your comments!



  1. Dr. Kim,
    I try tapping for empty nest depression and panic everyday. At work I usually tap three or four rounds. Do you think that is enough daily to try and help me with my depression? I watched several of your videos and am also wondering am I doing everything I should be in regards to tapping? Will doing this daily finally help me? I just need to know how many times a day I should tap and how many rounds. Thank you again for any help.

    • There isn’t a rule about how much tapping or how many times, it’s more about being sure that you’re tapping on the real root of what’s going on.
      Typically I can find that very quickly.

      If the depression is deep-seated, we want to get to the bottom of what’s really causing it to uproot that.

      It sounds like having a private session with me would be in order. If you’re uncovering deeper patterns and would like to move beyond that, we can do that.

      This is the link
      and we’ll get clear on what’s really going on that’s causing this AND create a plan for going forward to resolve this fully.

  2. Hi

    Ive watched a few of your videos on youtube and on your website. I see that the biggest thing is love and acceptance. Its important to love our pain etc. but what do we do when the critical voice says ‘i dont WANT to love my pain’? How do we respond?

    • LOVE THAT TOO!!!! It’s okay, and battling that voice is going to create more chaos and fight.
      It sounds counter-intuitive, but that voice has no real power. It’s only in fighting it (or insisting on getting rid of it) that we give it our power and thus, we are affected by it.

      Let me know how that goes!!
      -Dr. Kim


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