What to Do When Healing Seems Impossible
What to Do When Healing Seems Impossible Often we’re told “you can’t do that” or “that’s too much to expect” when severe illness is present. This can be hard to hear when we have aspirations for more. Just because others hold conclusions or beliefs about something...
What To Do When You Hit Bottom
What To Do When You Hit Bottom When we’re at our wit’s end dealing with illness, anxiety, depression, or any struggle, it can feel like the worst place to be. However, just like jumping on a trampoline, we’ve got to go down to come up. What if you...
Self-Care Upgrade: How to Open to Self Love for Healing
Self-Care Upgrade: How to Open to Self Love for Healing Self-care isn’t just about pampering. It’s an internal process you can choose to do every moment. You can’t soften your body and not let in more love. Here is an interview I did with CEO and...