Doctors Said She’d Never Walk Again: Woman Heals from Multiple Scleroses
Doctors Said She’d Never Walk Again: Woman Heals from Multiple Scleroses For those of you in the MindBody Community on Facebook, you’ve probably seen her. Anita Griffith is walking after she had been told by doctors she was in the end stage of severe Multiple...
Entering the Unknown to Allow Massive Healing with Bernadette Logue
Entering the Unknown to Allow Massive Healing with Bernadette Logue Bernadette was living in severe chronic pain and trying everything to heal. She didn’t know what was causing this, but she knew she hated her job and was pushing herself like crazy to make her life...
The Three Stages of Awakening
The Three Stages of Awakening Before we’re aware that we create our experience, we experience life as a victim, as if things are happening to us. When we’re fully awakened, we receive it all with grace and ease, and abundance comes effortlessly. But how do we get to...