HEALED! Lyme, Rheumatoid Arthritis & Depression Brought Me to a Dark Place, Here’s How I Am Now
HEALED! Lyme, Rheumatoid Arthritis & Depression Brought Me to a Dark Place, Here’s How I Am Now MindBody Miracles Interview Series featuring Liesel Fedkenheuer: “Lyme, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Depression Brought Me to a Dark Place…Here’s How I Am Now!! ” ...
Stressed About Money? Step Into True Wealth
Stressed About Money? Step Into True Wealth We tend to think of health and wealth as separate things, however, TRUE Wealth is prosperity, aliveness, and fulfillment, it’s not about money at all. When we open to true wealth, it immediately affects our body and...
The Secret Intelligence of Water
The Secret Intelligence of Water Far from being the inert substance many tend to think of it as, water actually holds consciousness. That means it has memory and the imprint of any intention we put into it. Since we are primarily made up of water, this is a powerful...