She thought leaving her job would help her pain…
I recently had an amazing group call with my “Radical Health Coaching” group.
One woman who had been suffering for years with pelvic pain and shoulder pain reported that she’d finally decided to resign from her stressful job.
She knew her pain was related to her work, but after resigning, the pain did not go away.
Leaving her job was not enough. Her body still carried the stress!
What was going on was much deeper.
We had to talk to her body to get it to finally register that she could release this pain.
Her pain went deeper than just her job. It was rooted in her DNA!
…so we had to release it at that level.
It’s amazing how our body can carry stressors that are not even ours!
Science has shown that our bodies can carry the patterns and stressors of our parents, grandparents, and even earlier generations!
It CAN be released.
If you’re struggling with a health challenge that just doesn’t make sense, it may be rooted in your family patterns.
That can sound difficult to release, since our current medical model does not yet incorporate this perspective, however, your body’s wisdom knows exactly how to release it!
Tapping into your wisdom is the key.