Ready to Stop Playing Small?
Your heart is calling, always communicating with you. Most have learned to cover it over with fear and doubt, and we think that’s the “responsible,” or “realistic” thing to do. What if I told you it’s costing you your life? Suppressing your inner voice takes immense energy, energy that could be going toward healing and creating all of what you’re asking for!
Watch this week’s special episode of MindBody TV where I shared why it’s getting harder and harder to make life work in the old programming, how to unleash your true creative power, and also shared an invitation to work with me personally to release the programs keeping you small so you start living all your heart’s true desires now!
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- Able to Cease Enjoying Small? - Bodyhealth - […] Able to Cease Enjoying Small? […]
- Able to Cease Taking part in Small? - Health World Life - […] Able to Cease Taking part in Small? […]
September 4,2023
Dr. Kim and Friends,
Thank you for the valuable tools in healing and restoration of heart, mind and body.
One of the tools that you refer to is the breath of life. To breath into our pain and miserable feelings that get stuck in our hearts and bodies.
But is not true on a deeper level that the real breath of life is the Life Force.? As our bodies and broken hearts come into the stillness that this opens the way to the life force that binds all things and heals all things?? Often you talk about the life force. Peace, warmth, rest that comes into our bodies to heal and restore.
Thank you,
Bill and Carol