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Quick Exercise for Inner Alignment

This exercise is so powerful! I use this anytime I feel glitchy and have moved out of alignment with fluidity.

It’s short and you can do it any time.

This is great to do in the morning to set you into a space of ease and wellbeing, the foundation for total health. Bringing yourself into this alignment also releases the fear and stress we unconsciously hold. Then our lives can be created on the template of abundance and wealth. It starts right away!

Ease is our natural state, but right now we’ve been so conditioned out of it, we need to PRACTICE our way back into it, as we release the lies we’ve bought into about ourselves and our lives.

Let me know how you feel after doing this!



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  1. I have been following you for about a year, but had not even got to the point where I could begin to address my past and ongoing trauma. Your Quiz and “10-things that evidence life truly loves me” actually gave me the ACTIVATION ENERGY to change my way of being and find ease and even joy in living. Do I feel rescued? Yes! My first thought was: What can I do for YOU, Dr. Kim, after bringing this great good into my life?” Please, please never question again if your are exercising your gifts in “the right way”…. I feel the Spirit of Truth in what you do AND how you share it.

    • Wow! Thank you for sharing. Amazing! When you are ready to receive, the universe will bring to you exactly what you need.

  2. You always seem to send a video with a message that I need at the precise moment. I’ve been feeling “glitchy” because I think I still hold onto the belief that I have to work hard to earn/deserve abundance. This is a wonderful reminder to just go into the ease. I also love how you just “do you” (especially with your videos) and how you are taking the summer for you and your family. So awesome!

  3. Awesomeness❣ I love your authenticity💗

  4. Don’t change Kim! Love you: totally just as you, so open, truthful and real. Be it all. That’s why I resonate with you so much. A fellow health practitioner speaking her truth. Mucho love XXX


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