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Powerful CLEARING Meditation

I recently had a meeting with my team. Since there have been SO many intense energies coming up, I led us through a clearing and releasing exercise. Everyone benefited greatly.

It was so powerful, I wanted to share this with you.

USE YOUR BREATH as you go through this brief meditation to assist your body in releasing and clearing old energies (they will come up as you listen!)The BREATH can clear old energies!!

Your body knows what to do.
Let your system receive the download of LIGHT by relaxing as you listen!

Let me know what you notice!


P.S. ALSO, I will be holding a LIVE “Breatharian Healing Program” in a few weeks to go much deeper with this process. We’ll begin on March 28th!

Stay tuned for the invitation!
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  1. The video has been taken down 🙁 Will it be posted again later?

    • It’s been fixed now, our apologies!

  2. Hi Kim,

    Thank you for the practices that you have been sharing.

    Today’s meditation is not available. It has been removed.
    This is the fifth email from various people that i have received with videos and have been having trouble accesing them.
    So, I was wondering if you have removed it or if it has to do some problem here.

    Best wishes


    • It’s been fixed now, our apologies!

  3. Trying to access the video, it says it was removed by the user…

    • It’s been fixed now, our apologies!

  4. Video says its been removed fro the clearing meditation

    • It’s been fixed now, our apologies!

  5. Dr Kim, I am so grateful to you, and FOR you! I will not try to explain how perfectly this message and meditation came to and fit me at the moment I “found” it – but, as I’ve said before, you have the makings of a master. I believe you are accessing the universal wisdom – and sharing it perfectly. 🙂 Many blessings to you and your loved ones – keep up the GOOD WORK <3

  6. This was so beautiful and soooo timely for me. Thanks you so much!


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