When you’re frustrated with our political system…
The patriarchal control you see “out there” is a reflection of any self-suppression you’ve internalized “in here.”
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By releasing the tendency to push harder, do more, or fight against unfairness, we open to a new dynamic within ourselves.
We all have masculine (outer, doing, productive) and feminine (inner, still, receptive) energies within ourselves. They are both part of our nature. When these are in BALANCE, we have harmony in our body. When we resist and suppress our feminine energy and thrust ourselves into a masculine approach to life, there is imbalance. We internally create the suppressive dynamic that is so clearly not working in our world.
We don’t have to feel powerless to impact the trauma/drama that’s playing out in the external world. We can instead, let this be a reminder to allow a deep shift within. Then we embody the change we wish to see.
What would it look like for you to allow more of your feminine energy today?
What changes are you asking for? Is it time to embody them?
Dr. Kim
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P.S. You are invited to participate in Dr. Kim’s weekly live MindBody TV broadcast! Register here for the MindBody Live Membership. Ask your questions in our members-only Facebook group, access bonus audio and video integrations, and receive live assistance with your expansion!
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Scott Farmer on October 11, 2018 at 4:51 pm
Hi Dr. Kim,
So ironic, well maybe not, that you brought up this topic. As I saw the fighter jets get tossed around in Florida, anger came up. Why were they not moved to Colorado. As I sit and live paycheck to paycheck to pay for this monstrous defense system we have (my thoughts are all thugs need bigger and more body guards), we can let million dollar jets get destroyed. But I get this triggers my fear of lack. Those of us that work in social science and have student debt that probably does not need to exist if we did not have the largest armed forces in the world and one that appears can let things be looked over or neglected because we can get more and pay outrages prices for procurement. It rminds me of the comedy when Martin Short was dying of thirst in the desert and Steve Martin was take water from his canteen, gargling and then spit out the water. Many of is are financially struggling, peiple live without food and shelter in this country and some are watching from their metaphoric Manhattan penthouse gargling and spitting their water on the people dying of thirst below. How do we get our country to wake up. No one wants to hurt kind people. Perhaps if we were more kind in the world we would have less enemies and even more money to go around.
Hi Dr. Kim,
So ironic, well maybe not, that you brought up this topic. As I saw the fighter jets get tossed around in Florida, anger came up. Why were they not moved to Colorado. As I sit and live paycheck to paycheck to pay for this monstrous defense system we have (my thoughts are all thugs need bigger and more body guards), we can let million dollar jets get destroyed. But I get this triggers my fear of lack. Those of us that work in social science and have student debt that probably does not need to exist if we did not have the largest armed forces in the world and one that appears can let things be looked over or neglected because we can get more and pay outrages prices for procurement. It rminds me of the comedy when Martin Short was dying of thirst in the desert and Steve Martin was take water from his canteen, gargling and then spit out the water. Many of is are financially struggling, peiple live without food and shelter in this country and some are watching from their metaphoric Manhattan penthouse gargling and spitting their water on the people dying of thirst below. How do we get our country to wake up. No one wants to hurt kind people. Perhaps if we were more kind in the world we would have less enemies and even more money to go around.