Move into 5D in 2019!!!
In the human mind, there are two hemispheres—right and left. We usually perceive everything as either “good or bad” or “right or wrong.” Most of the time, we are living and perceiving everything in duality.
This is not the highest nature of reality. We are moving into a space of Neutrality -where we perceive all things to be exactly as they should be and exist in PEACE with what is. In Neutrality we embrace, allow, and receive all that is into our life.
However, we can’t get there from the mind. We must enter through the focal point of the heart where we allow in a higher way of perceiving everything and access a higher consciousness. It doesn’t come from…but through you.
As you set your intentions for 2019, set them from the space of your heart. Ask yourself what it is that your heart is ready to express or experience and release everything you’ve held in your mind that is based on duality. These include:
The ideas of right and wrong.
The ideas of good and bad.
The lie that “I am not good enough.”
The lie that “I have to do more and be better.”
Whenever you find yourself struggling, just take a deep breath and return to your heart. Allow yourself to return to the space of Unity Consciousness. Let the mind together with the struggles, judgments, and goals fall away. You don’t need to live that way anymore.
Your body already knows what to do to allow in ALL you are ready for! But you are the key holder; you are the one in charge so the choice starts with you.
Are you willing to move from duality into Neutrality and release fear and separation?
Are you ready to move into a higher consciousness?
Let yourself transcend. This is the year to begin living through the heart like never before!
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Inspiring, Dr Kim. It has been said that the mind can be a useful and worthy servant, but makes a terrible master. Let go; let God, the Source of divine love, grace, and inner guidance.
Through your teachings I’m learning many things, like that my “Calamity Jane” lifestyle coming from what is unhealed within me. I also have whole new way of approaching life as an HSP. It all makes so much sense. Thank you!