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MindBody Medicine for Sexual Health

I recently interviewed Sexual Health Expert Layla Martin about how physical HEALING comes through exploring our sexuality.


There are so many ways we hold toxic energies in our body around our sexuality, our physical form, and our sexual expression. In fact, many women especially have shut their brains down to registering what they FEEL sexually in their bodies.

This dynamically blocks us from our Wisdom!!

It is our responsibility to feel and witness our bodies fully, and allow ourselves to be fully ALIVE, and that must include our sensual, sexual selves.

—HERE is the video where Layla shares how to open to your sexual energy to allow this as part of your healing process.—

I’ve participated in her OBliss course and found it to be SO deeply transformative!!! I absolutely love this woman and love the work she is doing, and VERY highly recommend this for all women everywhere, especially if you’ve struggled with

-body image

-food issues

-chronic pain

-a chronic illness

-relationship struggles


-a lack of passion in your life

I will be participating in the January course also and am excited to share this work with you!

Love to your BODY!

-Dr. Kim



  1. This is a surprise. And resonates so deeply. In my teens until I was nearly 40 I was addicted to the pleasure of sex. After my son was born I focused all my energy on him and then soon after was diagnosed with cancer. I’ve spent the past nearly 25 years focusing on “healing” but really shutting down my sexuality – one 3 year intimate relationship in the past 23 years. I look back and wonder where that open, sexual person disappeared. This video gives me optimism that I can still find, even this late in life, that sexual energy without the addiction/unsafe behavior.
    Dr. Kim, you always show amazing energy, passion and generosity in your work but wow! you are lightening itself in this interview.

    • Wow Sandra! Great.

  2. I have just listened to your talk with Layla and was so blown away !
    You have such incredible passion and energy and I just know if you were to do a combined workshop that it would be absolutely incredible!
    You Dear Dr Kim and Laylas energy is such an amazing. Combination – if I were to do something so cutting edge – so expansive and sooooo needed this would be it!
    You both are magnificent Goddesses bringing your gift to the world!
    With You Dr Kim I feel so safe so loved so inspired and would enter the subject of sexually that I can’t even believe I am saying just because you had The insight and passion to invite Layla to have this conversation. On your blog !
    I feel she is as you said so heart centred so inspired and so incredible in her field and. You created a combination that is so needed and so wanted in a women’s life!
    I can’t thank you enough for all that you are bringing into my life and I am sure so many other women !
    Just to feel safe in this are and have even the desire to go deeper is an incredible thing!
    Thank you so so much
    With love and the greatest appreciation for women like you

    • Wow Bex! Thank you! This was such a great talk with Layla and I am so glad you gained so much from it. Continued love. XO

  3. Thank you for this inspiring and uplifting video, lovely Dr Kim! Loved watching you two beautiful, intelligent and vibrant women talking to each other and sharing your wisdom and energy!

    • Thank you Kata!


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